Friday, September 2, 2011

Child's Play: Let's Play "Kick the Can"

Today's Friday Flash Fiction

Child’s Play: Let's Play "Kick the Can"

By Nomar Knight

Ned Thompson sprinted down the wrong street.  He couldn’t believe the dark alley led to the side of a building.  He patted the cobblestoned wall, praying for a secret passageway to magically appear. 
He froze upon hearing a tin can as it bounced along the sidewalk.  Considering the still night brought only humidity, Ned realized his mistake.  It had found him. 
He turned and squinted, trying his best to see his enemy as it approached. 
“I know you’re there.  Show yourself!”
Thoughts of how his best friend, Carl Watkins, had tried to reach for him, popped into his mind.  He recalled hearing blood curdling screams while he ran, followed by a disgusting, ripping sound. 
“Why are you doing this?  What are you?  I didn’t hurt anyone.”  Beads of sweat stung his eyes.  He leaned his back against the wall and continued to feel for an improbable escape. 
Again he heard a tin can skip against the concrete sidewalk. 
“Please!  I’m sorry.  I’ll never do it again.  I’ll never allow another child to get hurt again.” 
He glanced at the beginning of the alley and spotted a large silhouette grow against the left wall.  The stench of blood increased as the thing approached. 
“Go away!  I’ve learned my lesson.  For Christ’s sake let me live!”
The tin can bounced into view and stopped inches from his sneakers. 
He fought the desire to gag, grimacing until he bit his lip. 
A shadow stood perpendicular to the can.  He stared wide-eyed as he came face to face with his nightmare. 
“Please, don’t hurt me.”
Faced with no way to escape, he dropped to his knees.  His enemy stepped closer.  When his vision adjusted to the shadows, he cringed upon looking at the beast before him. 
“Why do you run?”
It spoke using his language.  The masculine voice sent chills throughout his body for it surely did not match its appearance.  The creature stood before him with a capacity to mutilate its victims.  It appeared as if a human female.  She couldn’t have been taller than five feet.  Blond curls hung from her sides.  Sapphire eyes mimicked innocence. 
“I beg you, don’t kill me.”
She tilted her head, looking like a confused child.  But Ned knew not to allow the beast’s false presentation to lull him into thinking he was safe. 
“Why?” she asked.
The fact Ned still lived gave him a semblance of hope.  The beast wanted to communicate. 
“I don’t understand your question.”  He felt his fear slowly lifting into the night sky, yet his heart refused to calm down.  His perspiration remained strong.
“Why did you allow your friend to bully you into watching him rape and murder all those little girls?”
Ned bawled like a baby.  He hung his head as his shoulders shook with every intense sob. 
The beast continued, “You could’ve stopped the monster from killing all those innocents.  You have been found just as guilty, for inaction serves to permeate evil.”
Ned accepted his fate.  He peered up at her through clouded eyes.  “Kill me, quick!”
The thing put one tiny little girl hand on his forehead, while picking up the can and remained emotionless. 
“I would take your soul, but you lost it the moment you became an accomplice to madness.”
She pulled off the lid and sliced the top of his head open, keeping Ned alive. 
“Pain and misery will accompany you in the next realm.”
She dropped the can, lifted the top of his head, scooped out his brain, and gorged on it while his body fell with a thud next to the tin can. 
When she completed her brand of justice, she wiped her mouth clean with Ned’s shirt.  Then whistled, kicking the can outside the alley, ready to lure the next predator to his doom.  

© Copyright Nomar Knight 2011. All rights reserved.
A Knight Chills Flash Fiction Presentation.

1 comment:

  1. Justice comes in many forms; many shapes. Great story, my friend!

